Why Become a Dentist?


Why Become a Dentist?

Everyone has a different reason for why he or she wanted to become a dentist.  I can only tell you from my personal experience why I wanted to become a dentist.  There are some ultimate truths in dentistry.  For one, you don’t go into dentistry to get rich. It won’t make you filthy Wolf of Wall Street rich.  You can earn a lot more money doing business, joining a startup, or creating your own millennial app.  Jordan Belfort, the real Wolf of Wall Street, was accepted into dental school.  At his orientation lecture his dean stated if you are here to make a lot of money you are in the wrong profession.  Jordan walked out and didn’t come back.  If you are wanting to become a dentist to make the big bucks, you should look for another profession that has bigger gains for less years in school.

The universal truths that I see in dentists are: 

1. They want to help people
2. They want to make a difference in the world
3. They want a good work life balance
4. They take pride in being a professional
5. They love working with their hands
6. They are sociable
7. They are leaders